
Patient Forms Introduction

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Patient Forms Introduction



What are Patient Forms?

The Patient Forms feature allows you to create custom electronic intake forms for your patients to fill out during any step of the patient care process. The Patient Forms feature comes with pre-built intake question templates as well as options for you to create your own intake questions. You can even request signatures or copies of insurance cards from your patients. Flexibility with using the Patient Forms feature allows you to tie your forms to the Patient Appointment Reminders, Booking Site and Patient Passport features.

Form completion is tracked within Elation. A copy of the responses are stored in the patient's chart and you can cross-reference the information into the patient's Clinical Profile or your Visit Notes.


Why are Patient Forms valuable?

The Patient Forms feature allows you to collect data about a patient that is essential to patient care. Since information is collected electronically, the Patient Forms feature reduces the administrative burden of transcribing forms for your practice and enables your patients to complete forms at their convenience any time during their care journey. Whether you are seeing patients in person or delivering virtual care, Patient Forms is a powerful tool that will make intake more efficient, streamlined, and accurate.

The most common time frame for sending forms to your patient is prior to a scheduled office visit. Common uses cases of the Patient Forms feature include but are not limited to:
  • first encounter patient intake such as demographics, insurance information and clinical history
  • signature consent for various services offered
  • pre-visit health and history screening

How do I get started?

The Patient Forms Guide will provide you with detailed step by step instructions on how to use the Patient Forms feature and it includes a full series of videos detailing the various features it has to offer.

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