
Health Maintenance Documentation & Reminders Guide

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Health Maintenance Documentation & Reminders Guide


What is Health Maintenance?

In Elation, Health Maintenance serves as a central location for tracking and documenting current and outstanding health measures, such as exams and screenings. These measures are calculated in realtime, and will refresh automatically when relevant data is added to the patient's chart. Each item is tied to a Clinical Quality Measure for Medicare's Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS), and can be tracked and reported on using Elation’s Clinical Quality Measures Reports Dashboard.

Health Maintenance measure calculations are based on Medicare and the National Quality Forum's electronic Clinical Quality Measures (CQMs), which are used for reporting programs such as MIPS, MACRA & CPC+. Click here to learn more about these measures . The measures are all based on nationally-recognized clinical guidelines.

Health Maintenance currently features five commonly tracked items:
  • Breast Cancer Screening
  • Colorectal Cancer Screening
  • Cervical Cancer Screening
  • Diabetes Eye Exam
  • Advanced Care Plan


Why should I use the Health Maintenance feature?

Health Maintenance can help you make sure your patients receive the right care at time. Stay on top of needed screenings and plan ahead for future visits. You can also use Health Maintenance to add historical or patient-reported data to the patient's clinical record, to make sure you get credit for quality programs such as MIPS or CPC+.


Using the Health Maintenance feature at the point of care

One important note to remember when using Health Maintenance is that the CQM definitions apply to active patients. In order to be considered eligible for a Health Maintenance item, the patient must be an active patient during the measurement period-- in Elation, you can indicate this with a visit note dated for the current year.
  1. When preparing a patient visit or during the patient visit, make sure there is a visit note for the current year-- either a signed or unsigned visit note will count. Once that has been created, you can glance at the Health Maintenance section to determine if any maintenance items are due for the patient.
  2. Only eligible items will appear. A patient's eligibility is based on the patient’s diagnoses, as listed in the problem list in the clinical profile, as well as the age and sex recorded in their demographics.
  1. If an item has already been met for the patient, based on records in the chart, there will be text indication in gray to the right of the measure to tell you when the measure has been satisfied. We search the entire patient chart for codes, such as HCPCS, LOINC, SNOMED, or ICD-10 that are recorded via lab results, bills, problem list diagnoses, and document tags on reports and/or visit notes.
    • If no record is present, or if the patient is due for the item, the due date will appear in orange alongside the measure.
    • Elation calculates due dates based on standard timelines for each item, calculated from the item's last documented date, using the CMS NQF/CQM definitions for timelines.
  2. To record a new item, click on the name of the Health Maintenance item you wish to document. Make sure to select "Add New Item", and then record relevant details. Some measures requires you to choose the type of screening.
  • You can also link an existing report by selecting "Link a report to this item". This opens up a Report Chooser for you to select the appropriate report.
  1. To review the results of an already satisfied item, click on the item to view details such as where data came from. You can edit items that you have created.
  • Here is an example of an automatically linked item:
  1. Click on the "Description" section to learn more about the Health Maintenance item. Here you can see what patients are included in the measure, as well as clinical evidence and recommendations.

How to see a report on your progress and a related list of patients

  1. Log into your Elation Account, and select “Reports” from the top of the Elation Home page.
  2. Select “Clinical Quality Measures” from the Reports dropdown menu.
  1. Set the parameters on which you want to report. You can edit the provider, measure set, date ranges, and reporting year. Once ready, click Update Report.
    • This will provide you with a performance score for each Health Maintenance measure, as seen below:
  • Click on "View List" to see a list of patients that are currently associated with the measure


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Can I adjust the timeline for when certain Health Maintenance items appear?

Elation calculates due dates of Health Maintenance items based on standard timelines for each item, calculated from the item's last documented date, using the CMS definitions for timelines. Please reference Elation's Clinical Quality Measure Help Center Articles to learn more about the specific timelines for each Health Maintenance Item. These timelines cannot be adjusted.

Can I add my own Health Maintenance items to this list?

The structured Health Maintenance items with due dates are built by Elation. Customers currently cannot add their own structured health maintenance items. You can always free-text your own Health Maintenance notes in the "add health maintenance note" section.

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Next Step

Start addressing Clinical Reminders and recording Health Maintenance data!


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