
Labs Settings Guide

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Labs Settings Guide




Labs settings page

The Labs settings page allows you to manage the list of laboratory vendors that you want to appear in your Lab Order Form in Elation. The Labs settings page is located under "Settings" >> "Labs". From this page, you will be able to view the status of lab integrations, add laboratory vendors to your laboratory vendor list for ordering laboratory tests and add vendor location information for printed orders.

Lab Settings Page.png

Adding a lab vendor

  1. Click on the "+Add Lab Vendor" button at the top of the Labs settings page to add a lab vendor.
  2. If Elation has an integration with the lab vendor, their name will appear as an option for you to select from when you search for their name.
Add & Search for Lab Vendor.png
  1. If Elation does not have an integration with the lab vendor, their name will not appear as an option for you to select from but you can continue to add them to your vendor list but simply entering their name.
    • Important Note: Adding a lab vendor does not automatically put in a request for a new integration to be build with this vendor. To submit an integration build request with Elation, please email the name and email of your contact at the laboratory vendor to
Add Own Lab Vendor.png


Managing lab vendors

Click the "Details" button to view the details of a Lab Vendor and perform additional actions.
Lab Vendor Details.png


Printed Orders

If you would like the lab vendor to appear as an option for you to select from in the Elation Lab Order Form, then select "On". This setting is default to "On" when you add a lab vendor to your vendor list.


Electronic Ordering

There are a few laboratory integrations that will allow you to send orders electronically from Elation to the lab vendor. However, most of the Elation laboratory integrations are Results-Only integrations. This means the integration is only built to receive electronic lab results from lab vendors.

If you select a lab vendor from Elation's vendor list database and you see a "Set Up" option under the Electronic Orders? column, please email with the following information and a member of our team will assist you with 

  • Name of the lab vendor
  • Your lab account # (if one was assigned to your practice)
  • The full name and email address of your lab representative


Electronic Results

If you select a lab vendor from Elation's vendor list database and you see a "Set Up" option under the Electronic Results? column, please email with the following information and a member of our team will assist you with 

  • Name of the lab vendor
  • Your lab account # (if one was assigned to your practice)
  • The full name and email address of your lab representative



Vendor compendia, or test directories, are only available to practices with Electronic Order interfaces. If the lab vendor does not have a compendium available, you can create your own test database to use with your printed lab forms. If the lab vendor does have a test compendium, only tests that are part of the compendium can be selected when placing orders to the lab. The Compendium will tell you which of the two options you have.



You can specify specific laboratory locations and addresses to display on the laboratory requisition/order. 

  • You can add the contact information for local centers to each Lab Vendor you have in your Settings page. 
    1. Click the "+Add a location" button
    2. The Name of the location is the only required field. Some customers use the first line of the street address as the location name.
    3. Once you have all your desired fields filled out, click "Save"
  • To edit a Lab location, click the "Edit" button next to the name
  • To delete a Lab location, click the "Delete" button next to the name

Note: Custom laboratory locations cannot display on LabCorp and Quest requisitions due to restrictions by these vendors. 


Account information

Lab Vendor Account information, when stored in Elation, will automatically display on electronic orders. Please note that the account information will only display on electronic order requisitions or when the information is stored in your physician details (Under Account Details >> Edit profile):


Removing a lab vendor

If you no longer wish to send any patients to a specific lab vendor, you can click "Details" button next to the lab vendor name and then click "Delete this lab vendor" at the bottom of the page to remove the lab vendor from your list. Deleting the lab vendor will remove them from the Lab Order Form as well.

If you have a live integration with the lab vendor, you will not be allowed to delete it. Please email if you wish to turn off a lab integration and then set the Printed Orders setting to "Off" to hide the lab vendor for your Lab Order Form.


Next Step

Review your Labs settings page and make sure all the lab vendors you collaborate with are visible on this page.


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