
Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP/PDMP) Integration Introduction

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Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP/PDMP) Integration Introduction



What is a Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP/PDMP)?

A Prescription Monitoring Program (also called a Prescription Drug Monitoring Program or Controlled Substance Monitoring Database) is a state-managed database that tracks controlled substance prescriptions dispensed in the state. Most states require pharmacists to record controlled substances dispensed in the state in the PMP and require providers to review the PMP before prescribing certain controlled substances.


How does the PMP Integration work?

Once Providers are connected to the PMP integration via the EHR, they can click a “Check PMP” button to access PMP data directly from the EHR. A note will be documented in the patient chart after completing a PMP check for recording keeping purposes. The note about completing a PMP check can be exported to a visit note or to an office message.


Are PMP integrations required?

Reach out to your state PMP to understand if an integration is required. Click here for more information.

  • Practices in the state of Illinois are required to have a live EHR-PMP integration. 
  • Practices in the state of Washington with more than 10 providers are required to have a live EHR-PMP integration. 


Which PMP integrations does Elation offer?

Elation offers PMP integrations through two partners. For states that offer both integrations, please check with our partners to see which one best suits you and then follow the instructions in the respective articles to request the integration:

The following table lists which partners are connected to which states:

  • If you are in Guam or the states Nebraska, New York, or Wisconsin, you will not be able to use any of Elation’s PMP integrations at this time. We will notify you if a PMP integration becomes available for these states.
StateBamboo HealthLogiCoy
Alabama (AL)✔️ 
Alaska (AK)✔️ 
Arizona (AZ)✔️ 
Arkansas (AR)✔️ 
California (CA)✔️✔️
Colorado (CO)✔️✔️
Connecticut (CT)✔️ 
Delaware (DE)✔️ 
Florida (FL)✔️ 
Georgia (GA)✔️ 
Guam (GU)  
Hawaii (HI)✔️ 
Idaho (ID)✔️ 
Illinois (IL) ✔️
Indiana (IN)✔️ 
Iowa (IA)✔️ 
Kansas (KS)✔️ 
Kentucky (KY)*✔️✔️
Louisiana (LA)✔️ 
Maine (ME)✔️ 
Maryland (MD)✔️✔️
Massachusetts (MA)✔️ 
Michigan (MI)✔️ 
Minnesota (MN)✔️ 
Mississippi (MS)✔️ 
Missouri (MO)✔️ 
Montana (MT)✔️ 
Nebraska (NE)  
Nevada (NV)✔️ 
New Hampshire (NH)✔️ 
New Jersey (NJ)✔️ 
New Mexico (NM)✔️ 
New York (NY)  
North Carolina (NC)✔️ 
North Dakota (ND)✔️ 
Ohio (OH)✔️ 
Oklahoma (OK)✔️ 
Oregon (OR)✔️ 
Pennsylvania (PA)✔️✔️
Puerto Rico (PR)✔️ 
Rhode Island (RI)✔️ 
South Carolina (SC)✔️ 
South Dakota (SD)✔️ 
Tennessee (TN)✔️ 
Texas (TX)✔️ 
Utah (UT)✔️✔️
Vermont (VT)✔️ 
Virginia (VA)✔️ 
Washington (WA)✔️✔️
Washington, DC (DC)✔️ 
West Virginia (WV)✔️ 
Wisconsin (WI)  
Wyoming (WY)✔️ 


Important Note: *If you practice in the state of Kentucky in addition to any other state, you can use the Bamboo Health PMP integration if Kentucky’s PMP is the only PMP you want to connect to. If you need to connect to Kentucky’s PMP in addition to the PMP of other states then you must use the LogiCoy integration.


How to set up a PMP integration

Follow instructions in the following articles to activate your integration with the selected partner:


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