
Visit Note Documentation Guide- Documenting amendment requests from patients

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Visit Note Documentation Guide- Documenting amendment requests from patients



What are visit note amendment requests?

Patients may have access to your visit note documentation for their encounters and may request amendments to your documentation for various reasons (ex. the patient gave you the wrong date for an injury). Since a signed visit note has certain legal indications, providers would want to document amendment requests from patients for proper record tracking.

Elation's Patient Amendment Request feature allows providers to record requests from patients to amend visit note documentation as well as allows providers to specify whether or not they approve of the request. 


Documenting an amendment request from a patient

  1. Find the visit note that your patient has requested to amend in the Chronological Record.
  2. At the bottom left corner of the note click "Actions" >> "Pt Amendment Request"
  1. Fill out the Patient Amendment Request form that appears
    1. Request= A brief description of the patient amendment request.
    2. Conveyed by= Who expressed the amendment request to you.
    3. Status= Choices are to accept or deny the request. Choosing to accept the request will automatically open the visit note for you to document the amendment.
    4. Requested on= Date and time of the amendment request. The form will pre-fill these fields with the current date and time.
  1. Click "Save" to save the amendment request

Once saved, the Patient Amendment Request will be documented at the bottom of the Visit Note, in the "For physician's record only" section. Documented amendment requests do not appear on the patient's visit summary, nor do they print out when printing the Visit Note.


Accepting an amendment request

If you choose to accept an amendment request, the visit note will automatically open for you to make necessary amendments. Once you finish making your amendments, click "Sign Amended Visit Note" to save your changes. All changes will be tracked for auditing and legal purposes.



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