
Templates Guide- Using Dragon Dictation to dictate in Elation

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Templates Guide- Using Dragon Dictation to dictate in Elation



What is dictation software?

    Dictation software allows you to convert verbal speech to text on an electronic document or in a text-compatible software. Dictation softwares allows providers and other medical professionals to quickly document information through speech instead of typing the information using a keyboard. 

    Using Dragon© dictation software with Elation

    You can use Dragon Medical © dictation software with Elation. Our physicians have found that the Dragon Medical © edition is much more accurate than the standard Dragon © dictation software.

    To use Dragon Medical © dictation software with Elation, you must first have the software installed on the computer you plan to dictate on. Please follow the instructions that are included with the Dragon © software.

    Once Dragon has been installed on your computer, log into Elation and open a patient's chart. Put your mouse cursor into any text field and start dictation using Dragon ©. Dragon Medical © software will work the same as if you were dictating in a note inside a word document.



    Best visit note formats for dictation

    When documenting a visit note, we recommend that you use either the "Simple Note" or the "SOAP Note" Visit Note Formats when dictating, as the formatting is more conducive for full length sentences. However, you can use any visit note format that you desire while using Dragon Medical © to dictate.


    Important Note: Elation is a web-based EHR system therefore the shortcut commands, called "MyCommands", by Dragon © will not work. All other features of the Dragon Medical © software will be compatible with Elation.



    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

    Do other dictation softwares work with Elation?

    A majority of Elation's users use Dragon © dictation software. Other options include:

    • M*Modal
    • Speechnotes

    If you already have an existing dictation software, we recommend using the dictation software alongside Elation to see if they are compatible.


    Do other versions of Dragon software work with Elation?

    Our physicians have found that the Dragon Medical © edition is much more accurate than the standard Dragon © dictation software. However, other Dragon © dictation software can still work with Elation.

    © 2022 Nuance Communications, Inc. All rights reserved. 

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