The VIP Chart feature for Premium EHR Users allows you to designate specific patient charts as VIP, which restricts access to that chart throughout your practice. When activated, patient charts can be marked as ‘VIP’. For these 'VIP' patients, a warning box will appear when users other than the assigned
Provider assigned in practice (as indicated in Patient Demographics) attempt to access the chart. Additionally, the VIP charts feature logs the date and time of access by any non-assigned users within the patient's chronological record.
The VIP Charts feature is a product for Premium EHR customers only.
- If you are interested in upgrading to the Premium EHR subscription to use this feature, click the "I need help" button to notify Elation and a member of the Elation Team will reach out to assist you.
- If you are already a Premium EHR user and you are interested in using this feature, click the "I need help" button to notify Elation and a member of the Elation Team will turn this feature on for you.
Important Note:
To mark charts as VIP Charts, you must be the Provider assigned to the chart or have
Admin level privileges. To become an Admin, you must ask an existing Admin level user in your practice (most likely a primary provider level account holder) to grant you privileges via the
Manage Accounts Settings Page.
To mark a patient as VIP:
- Open the patient's demographics.
- Check the box next to "Mark patient as VIP" under the Notes & Chart Management Section.
- Click "Save & Close".
- Afterwards, reference the Accessing VIP Charts section for more details on what happens when anyone tries to access a 'VIP' Chart.
Only the
Provider assigned in practice (as designated in the Patient Demographics) can uncheck the "Mark patient as VIP" box and remove the VIP designation. You can find the assigned provider's name at the top of the Clinical Profile or in the 'Provider Information' section of the demographics in the
Provider assigned in practice field.
When viewing charts, a red VIP flag will appear next to the patient's name at the top of their chart to allow you to easily identify them as a 'VIP' patient.
![VIP Label in Chart.png](/servlet/rtaImage?eid=ka0Ui00000021Pp&feoid=00N1G000007Bcn3&refid=0EM6O000008hitd)
When searching for patients, 'VIP' patients will have a 'VIP' badge next to their name.
![VIP Badge in Patient Search.png](/servlet/rtaImage?eid=ka0Ui00000021Pp&feoid=00N1G000007Bcn3&refid=0EM6O000008hiuH)
When running reports, VIP patients will have a 'VIP' badge next to their Elation Patient ID and all identifiable information will be hidden.
If you are the
Provider assigned in practice, you will be able to access a VIP Chart as usual and will not be met with any warning messages.
When a Staff Level User or non-assigned provider attempts to access the VIP patient's chart, they will be met with a warning message. They must click "Agree & Continue" to continue accessing the VIP Chart. Agreeing to the terms and conditions means their name will be recorded in an access note in the chart.
When a Staff Level User or non-assigned provider accesses a VIP Chart, a VIP access note will be documented in the patient's chronological record so that there is a record of who accessed the chart and when. This documentation can only be acknowledge and/or removed by the
Provider assigned in practice.
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