
User Accounts Guide- Setting up Elation EHR accounts and Provider account authentication

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User Accounts Guide- Setting up Elation EHR accounts and Provider account authentication
The Elation Team is excited to welcome you to our user community! Please complete your account details to fully set up your new Elation EHR account. 



What is EHR Account Setup?

All users must set up a password for their Elation EHR account in order to gain access to their EHR account. In addition to creating a password, Provider Level Users must also complete account authentication, verify their credentials and set up their electronic signature.


How to complete EHR Account Setup

Important Note: A small subset of customers may still be seeing the legacy EHR Account Setup workflow. Both workflows will allow you to register for an Elation Account. If you have any questions about the experience you are seeing, click here to contact Elation Support.

To complete EHR account Set Up:
  1. Go to your email inbox and look for an email from '' with the Subject Line ‘Welcome to Elation! Quickly complete your account setup.'
​​​​​​EHR Invite Email.png
  1. Click the “Get Started” button in the body of the email.
  2. Choose a password for your account and enter it in the Password field. The requirements for your password are as follows:
    • At least 12 characters long
    • At least 1 capital letter (uppercase letter)
    • At least 1 number
    • At least of the following special characters @ # * ( ) + = { } / ? ~ ; , . - _ 
EHR Account Password Setup.jpg
  1. Re-enter the same password in the Retype Password field. 
  2. Click “Set Password” to complete account set up.
  3. [PROVIDER LEVEL USERS ONLY] Go to the 'How Provider Level Users complete Account Authentication' section of this article to proceed with the next step, Account Authentication. Staff Level Users have complete EHR account setup and have no additional steps. 


What is Provider Level User Account Authentication?

Account Authentication is the process Elation takes to verify a Provider Level User's identity and credentials before we give Provider Level Users full access to tools that grant them access to all Protected Health Information (PHI) features; especially e-Prescribing.



Why is Account Authentication required for Provider Level Users?

Account Authentication is required for Provider Level Users because Elation must make sure the correct ‘person’ is granted access to Protected Health Information (PHI) and related features and interfaces. It is a shared responsibility to make sure your patients' PHI is accessed by the correct individuals. Account Authentication is also required for each Provider Level User before Elation can grant them prescribing privileges.



How Provider Level Users complete Account Authentication

Important Note: A small subset of customers may still be seeing the legacy Provider Account Authentication workflow. Both workflows will allow you to complete Account Authentication. If you have any questions about the experience you are seeing, click here to contact Elation Support.

To complete Account Authentication, Provider Level Users must complete the following steps:
  1. After you, the Provider Level User, set up your password, you will be brought to the Identify Verification page. Click the “Verify Identity” button to verify your identity with our identity verification service provider, Stripe. Click here for step by step instructions on the identity verification process
Verify Identity Button.png
  1. Click the “Continue Set Up” button after you complete identity verification. Continue Set Up button.jpg
  2. Review your account information in the Credential Verification page & select your timezone in the Timezone field. 
Credential Verification Page with Timezone filled out.png
  • Important Note: If you do not have an NPI, select the “I do not have an NPI” option to proceed with credential verification.
  1. Click “Yes, looks correct” once all the information on the Credential Verification page is accurate.
  2. Lastly, you will set your electronic signature for your EHR account. To set your signature:
    • Use your mouse or touchpad to draw your signature in the signature box OR
    • Click the “Use a separate device” button to scan a QR code with a mobile device to draw your signature using the mobile device. ​​​​​QR Code for eSig.png
  3. Click “Save & Complete” to save your electronic signature. Save & Complete Button.png
  4. You will now have access to your EHR account and should see a ‘Congratulations….” box. This means you have successfully completed Provider Account Authentication. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Congratulations box for Provider Account Setup.png
  5. Next, go to the 'Provider Level User Profile Fields' section below to see if you need to store any additional, optional identifiers in your EHR Profile. You can also edit your profile information in this section of your account at any time.

If you experience any issues with the Provider Account Authentication process and need assistance, please click here to contact the Elation Team.


Profile Level User Profile Fields

To view your account profile:
  1. Click on your email address (username) at the time right corner of your EHR account
  2. Click “Settings”
  3. Click “Edit profile” in the Account Details page

The Provider Level User profile fields are divided into the following sections:  

Account Details

  • Profile picture
    • Your profile picture appears in the Elation Provider Directory.
  • First name* and Last name* 
    • This is how your name will display on all Elation records.
    • User Tip: Do not include credentials in these fields. You must enter your legal name. You can enter your credentials in the Credentials* field.
  • Email*
    • This is the email address that you will use to log in to Elation and Elation will use this email to contact you.
  • Credentials*
    • Your credentials will appear after your name on all Elation records.
  • Tax ID Number (TIN)
  • NPI*


  • Medical License State*
  • Medical License Number* (Next to the State* field)
  • DEA Number 
  • Supervising Provider
    • Your Supervising Provider must have their own Elation Provider Level User account. Afterwards you can select their name of this dropdown.
  • Rx Authorization Number
    • Rx Authorization number is an optional field for NPs who have additional license numbers for ePrescribing. 
    • Important Note: If you have a supervising provider, invite them to create their own Provider Level User account in Elation. Afterwards, you only need to select their name in the Supervising Provider field. This will ensure their prescribing information (DEA number, etc.) is included on the prescriptions you prescribe.
    • XDEA/NADEAN is an optional field for Providers who have additional license numbers for prescribing controlled substance medications. 


Authentication Documents


Electronic Signature

Click on your wet signature to update your wet signature on your account.* 
  • Click "Save & Close" after drawing your signature to save it.
  • Elation will attach an image of the wet signature for providers whenever provider-signed records are printed or shared from their Elation account.
  • If you prefer to use an alternative device to draw your signature, such as a tablet or phone, click the "Use a separate device for my signature" button to scan a QR code with the alternative device.

Lab Identifiers

Enter your lab identification numbers for Quest or Labcorp if applicable.

Staff Level User Profile Fields

To view your account profile:
  1. Click on your email address (username) at the time right corner of your EHR account
  2. Click “Settings”
  3. Click “Edit profile” in the Account Details page

Staff Level Users can store the following information in their account profile:
  • Profile picture
  • First name
  • Last name
  • Email (username)
  • Default physician

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Next Step

Excited to get started with Elation? We invite you to explore the
On-Demand Courses on Elation University to learn more about Elation EHR.



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