
Patient Demographics Guide- Managing patient insurance

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Patient Demographics Guide- Managing patient insurance



What is structured insurance information?

Structured insurance information allows you to create your own database of Carriers (Payers) and corresponding Carrier Plans in Elation. You can then select Carriers and Plans from your database when adding primary, secondary or tertiary insurance coverage information in the patient's demographics to use for insurance billing and claims management.

You can also store images of the patient's insurance cards in their demographics by using the Insurance Card Image Upload feature.


Why is structured insurance information important?

By setting up and managing the insurance Carriers and Plans list for your practice, you are setting up your practice for success. Having accurate insurance information in each patient's chart is critical to your practice’s ability to store accurate patient records, submit claims and receive payment from Payers and run reports based on patient insurance.


How to manage Carriers & Plans in Settings

Reference the Billing Guide- Managing Carriers & Plans in Elation article to establish your practice's database of Carriers (Payers) and Plans. Once your database is established you can to select Carriers and Plans when storing patient insurance information in the Patient Demographics.

Important Notes:
  • If you are using a Practice Management System (PMS) integration with Elation, we recommend reviewing your PMS User Manual for the recommended workflow for entering Carrier or Plan information.
  • This Settings can be set to 'Admin Only'. If you are unable to add new insurance carriers or plans, please check with an Admin Level User in your practice for additional instructions.

Storing patient insurance details

Important Note: If you are using a Practice Management System (PMS) integration with Elation, we recommend reviewing your PMS User Manual for the recommended workflow for entering patient insurance information. For example, not all PMS integrations support Tertiary Insurance information syncing.

To enter insurance details for your patient in Elation:
  1. Open the patient's chart
  2. Click on the patient's name to open their demographics
  3. Click into the "Insurance, Payment & Membership" section
  4. Store an image of the insurance card if needed. Reference the Insurance Card Image Upload Guide as needed.
  5. Search for the Carrier or Plan name in the Insurance carrier name field to begin adding Primary Insurance, Secondary Insurance or Tertiary Insurance information
  • Reference the Patient Demographics Guide- Managing Carriers in Elation article if you need to create a new Carrier or Plan.
  • User Tips:
    • You can also search for a Carrier by Alternative Names or Payer ID if the information is stored in the Carrier Settings.
    • Click "+ add secondary insurance" to see the "+ add tertiary insurance" button.
Insurance Search- Demographics.png
  1. Enter the remaining insurance details as needed. Available fields are:
    • Group ID
    • Member ID
    • Copay
    • Deductible
    • Coverage
    • Effective Date
    • End Date
    • Insurance Policyholder
      1. Click "+ add additional details" to add Policyholder information as needed. Available fields are:
        • Policyholder First Name
        • Policyholder Last Name
        • Policyholder Date of birth
        • Policyholder Sex at birth
        • Policyholder address
        • Policyholder SSN
        • Policyholder ID Number
    • Click "Save & Close" to save new information
    The same fields are available for Primary Insurance, Secondary Insurance and Tertiary Insurance information.


    Learn more about managing patient demographics in the Patient Demographics Guide.


    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

    Can I store additional insurance coverage for patients such as Tertiary Insurance or Worker's Compensation insurance?

    Elation can store up to 3 active insurance coverages per patient. We recommend using the "Notes" field to store additional insurance information as needed.


    Can I store insurance coverage history in Elation? Ex. I want to store the patient's previous Primary Insurance in order to follow up on a claim I sent to it.

    Elation can only store up to 3 active insurance coverages per patient. We recommend using the "Notes" field to store historical insurance information.


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