
Promoting Interoperability (MIPS 2024) - Query of Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP)

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Promoting Interoperability (MIPS 2024) - Query of Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP)



Measure Details

This measure builds on e-prescribing. The intent of the measure is when a scheduled prescription is prescribed, before sending the prescription to the pharmacy, the provider queries the regional Prescription Drug Monitoring Program which provides insights to ensure there are no contraindicated medications or historical medication flags. Beginning in 2023 (and continuing in 2024) attestation of 'yes' to this measure is required or an eligible exclusion. This measure is worth 10 points towards the Promoting Interoperability category score. 

For at least one Schedule II opioid or Schedule III or IV drug electronically prescribed using CEHRT during the performance period, the MIPS eligible clinician uses data from CEHRT to conduct a query of a PDMP for prescription drug history.


Measure Parameters

The MIPS eligible clinician must attest YES to conducting a query of a PDMP for at least one Schedule II opioid or Schedule III or IV drug electronically prescribed using CEHRT .

Measure Exclusions

Any MIPS eligible clinician meeting one or more of the following criteria may be excluded from the PDMP measure if the MIPS eligible clinician;
  1. Is unable to electronically prescribe Schedule II opioids and Schedule III and IV drugs in accordance with applicable law during the performance period.
  2. Does not electronically prescribe any Schedule II opioids or Schedule
    III or IV drugs during the performance period.


Elation Workflows

If you have an integration with your regional PDMP, that will satisfy this measure.

This measure may also be met by querying a PDMP portal outside of Elation during the prescription process. There must be a minimum of one query of the PDMP that takes place during the prescription process during the performance time.   


Additional Information

2024 MIPS Promoting Interoperability Measure Specifications


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