
Letters & Referrals Guide- Faxing lab, radiology or other orders to vendors

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Letters & Referrals Guide- Faxing lab, radiology or other orders to vendors

Recommended Reading

Review Elation's Letters & Referrals Introduction- Sharing clinical data outside of Elation to learn more about the Letters feature.

How to fax orders to vendors

After you create and sign any lab, radiology (imaging) or other test orders in Elation, you can electronically fax it to a vendor via Elation's Letter to Provider feature.

User Tip: Review this list of electronic lab ordering vendors to see a list of specific Lab Vendors that can receive electronic orders directly through an interface with Elation. You will not need to send a fax to these Lab Vendors.


  1. Locate the Order that you’d like to send in your patient’s chart. Hover over the Order, and click "Actions" >> "Provider Letter".
Order Fax.png
  1. In the To field, type the fax number of the vendor. If a search result appears in the Provider Directory dropdown, click on the result to select an existing contact.
    • If no results are found, press the TAB key on your keyboard and a dialogue window will appear prompting you to save the fax number to a new contact. Select “Organization”, type the name of the vendor, and click "Save".
Contact Details.png
  1. Type a subject and message to the vendor as needed.
  2. Next, click on “Select Chart Items to Attach”.
Complete Letter.png
  1. Check the checkbox for "Patient Demographics". Click “Attach Items”.
Attach Items.png
  1. At the bottom of the letter, check the checkbox for “Also fax copies of attachments”.
  2. Click “Sign & Send” to fax the order to the vendor.
Fax Attachments.png

Note: To fax the Order outside of Elation with your physical fax machine, you can print a copy of the Order by clicking “Actions" >> "Print” and then use your fax machine.

Print Order.png


Next Step

Fax a lab or radiology to your local vendor for a patient!


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