If any patient share a CCD or CCDA file with you in office, you can manually import that CCD or CCDA file from your computer into a patient's chart. Afterwards you can
from the CCD or CCDA file into corresponding sections of the patient's chart as structured data if desired.
Users can import and integrate demographics, allergies, problems, immunizations and medications data from CCD or CCDA files into patients' charts as structured data. Due to the nature of how the remaining available data is structured, you will not be able to export the remaining data into the patient's chart as structure data. However, all data from CCD and CCDA files will remain in the Patient Summary report and can be viewed and referenced as any time.
Importing all sections
Any user can sign off (only) on a Patient Summary report or sign off and import demographics, allergies, problems, immunizations and medications data from a Patient Summary into a patient's chart. For multi-provider practices, if a staff user signs off on a Patient Summary report, they must specify which provider they are signing on behalf of.
If you would like to import all the demographics, allergies, problems, immunizations and medications data from the Patient Summary after initially only clicking "Sign Off", click on the "All" button at the top of the Patient Summary to import all the compatible sections again.
Importing specific sections
You can choose to import data from specific sections of a Patient Summary if you do not want to import all compatible sections. You can also select the records you want from each section and click "Import & Reconcile" to import those records to the corresponding sections of the patient's chart. If the record was already imported to the patient's chart, you will not be able to import it again.
For example, the image below shows how you can choose specific problems to import when you choose to import only Problems:
I selected "Import All" but only part of the data from the Patient Summary was imported to my patient's chart. Why?
Elation will only allow you to import demographics, allergies, problems, immunizations and medications data from CCD or CCDA files into patients' charts as structured data. Due to the nature of how the remaining available data is structured, you will not be able to export the remaining data into the patient's chart as structure data. However, all data from CCD and CCDA files will remain in the Patient Summary report and can be viewed and referenced as any time.
I am trying to import a specific section into the patient's chart but I am getting a "No new data to import from this section" message. Why?
If a section or record was already imported to the patient's chart, you will not be able to import it again. Check the corresponding section of the patient's chart to see if the information is already in the patient's chart.
I accidentally clicked "Import All". Is there a way to reverse this action?
You will not be able to reverse the "Import All" action. You will need to manually delete the data you do not want from the patient's chart. If the CCD or CCDA file had outdate demographics information when you imported the demographics information into the patient's chart, you will need to contact the patient to retrieve the most up to data information again.
There is a lot of duplicate data in the Clinical Profile after I imported everything from the Patient Summary. What should I do?
You will need to manually delete any duplicate data you do not need from the Clinical Profile. If there is any duplicate medication information, reference our Medication List Management Guide for tips on how to reconcile medications.
There are a lot of discontinued medications and old problems in the Patient Summary. How can I not import those?
Certain electronic health record systems may choose to share discontinued or resolved problems in CCD or CCDA files. The only way to not import those is to not import all the data when initially signing off a Patient Summary. Instead, go to the specific section of the Patient Summary, uncheck the records you do not want to import and then click the "Import & Reconcile" button to import the records that are checked.
I accidentally deleted a Patient Summary. Is there any way for me to retrieve it?
If you accidentally deleted a Patient Summary, click the "I need help" -> "Contact Elation Support" button from the top of that patient's chart and a member of the Support Team will retrieve the deleted Patient Summary for you. Please take caution when deleting records from Elation EHR as not all records are retrievable.
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