
Patient Chart Guide- Sharing clinical care summaries with collaborating providers using C-CDA (CCDA) format

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Patient Chart Guide- Sharing clinical care summaries with collaborating providers using C-CDA (CCDA) format



What are C-CDA (CCDA) files?

CCDA stands for Consolidated Clinical Data Architecture and it is used to create documents and standardize the content and structure of clinical care summaries. CCDA files allow you to securely transfer medical records between EHR systems. All Certified EHR systems, like Elation, are required to allow providers to import and export CCDA files into and out of the EHR.

CCDA files generated by Elation will contain the following information:


Why are C-CDA (CCDA) files useful?

C-CDA (CCDA) files allow providers and patients to securely transfer clinical information between different electronic health record systems when patients move between providers or institutions that use different electronic health record systems. You can share data C-CDA (CCDA) files with a patient directly to share with a provider on another EHR system or you can use C-CDA (CCDA) files to report data to registries or health information exchanges (HIEs) for quality reporting.

Some systems, like Elation, can even support importing data from CCDA files as structured data to assist with quicker and more accurate documentation. Review our Patient Chart Guide- Importing patient information from another EHR (CCD/CCDA Format) article for information about importing CCDA files received from other providers or institutions. 



Exporting C-CDA (CCDA) files for multiple patients

Important Note: In order to bulk export C-CDAs (CCDAs), you must have Admin level privileges. To become an Admin, you must ask an existing Admin level user in your practice (most likely a primary provider level account holder) to grant you privileges via the Manage Accounts Settings page.

You will use Elation's Patient List report functionality to generate C-CDA (CCDA) files in bulk for multiple patients. The bulk export will provide you with a password protected .ZIP file that you can download to your computer. When the file is unlocked and the contents are extracted, there will be folder of individually labeled CCDA files for each patient.
  1. From the "Reports" menu in the blue navigation bar, click "Patient List"

Screen Shot 2021-03-30 at 3.12.30 PM.png

  1. Click "Generate List" to view a list of all patient charts for your practice. You can also use filters to narrow down the list of patients. Review the Patient List Report Guide to learn more about filtering if needed.
  2. Click "Download" >> "Download CCDA" 

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  1. Create and enter a password (twice) to protect the patients information contained in the .ZIP file that will be created from this export. You will need to securely share this password with the recipient of the C-CDA (CCDA) files if applicable.

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  1. Once you enter a password, the bulk C-CDA (CCDA) file will be generated and available to download.
    • Important Note: If there are a lot of patient charts or a lot of clinical information in your patients' charts, it may take more than a few minutes for the bulk C-CDA file to be generated. Keep the Patient List Report window open until you see the download prompt. 
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Scheduled download

To manage time efficiently and minimize interruption to your workflow, use the "Schedule a CCDA download" option to schedule a CCDA download during off-work hours. You can choose a specific date and time for the download or schedule the download for a specific number of days into the future.

Scheduled Download options.png

Create and enter a password (twice) to protect the patients information contained in the .ZIP file that will be created from this export. Once you enter a password for the .ZIP file, make sure you copy the URL for the download so that you can download the file once it is ready. 

Scheduled CCDA URL.png


Exporting a C-CDA (CCDA) file for a specific patient

You can generate and export C-CDA (CCDA) files for specific patients directly from the patient's chart in Elation. You will have the following options for export:


Initiating an export

  1. From the patient’s chart, use the gray navigation bar to select “More” >> “Data Exchange”
Data Exchange Button.png
  1. Select one of the “ Export ...... (C-CDA)” options (see below) and wait for .ZIP file for the patient to download to your computer/laptop.
EHi Export Screenshot.jpg
  1. You will find C-CDA file saved to the downloads location as specified by your web browser (usually it is a Downloads folder or the Desktop).


Export Entire Health Information (EHI)

The 'Entire Health Information (EHI)' export is aligned to the regulatory criteria that requires all patient health information stored at time of export to be exported at the time of request by a patient. At this time, all data pertaining to the patient, excluding the Confidential  Notes Features outlined below, will be exported for single patient exports. Please view Elation's Designated Record Set here for more information on the data included in EHI Exports.

Confidential Notes Features:
  • Files in Elation that can be tagged as ‘Keep this Confidential’ (e.g., orders and visit notes) or ‘Mark Confidential’ (e.g., reports)
  • Free text in the ‘Notes and Chart Management’ section in the Demographic Dialog
  • Free text in the ‘Notes’ section of our Elation Billing product
Important Note: The 'Entire Health Information (EHI)' export has a different workflow than the other exports. After you click “Export Entire Health Information (EHI)”, a confirmation box will appear. Click “Export Patient EHI” in the confirmation box to request an export. Afterwards, you will receive two emails at the email listed in the confirmation box. The emails will have the subject line ‘ACTION REQUIRED: Elation Data Export’. One email will contain a download link for the export and the other email will contain the password to unlock the file after you download it. You will have 6 days to download the file before the download link expires.
  • You can optionally choose to email a copy of the export to the patient by checking off the “Also share with patient” box. We recommend verifying the patient’s email address before sending them the export.


Complete Record export

The Complete Record export will automatically include the following information as long as it is available in the patient's chart (and as long as the record is not marked as "Confidential").
  • Reason for Referral
  • Allergies, adverse reactions, alerts
  • History of medication use
  • Problem List
  • Encounters
  • Immunizations
  • Vital Signs
  • Social History
  • History of Procedures
  • Implantable Devices
  • Relevant diagnostic tests and/or laboratory data
  • Functional Status
  • Mental Status
  • Assessments
  • Plan of Care
  • Goals
  • Health Concerns

Customized Record export

The Customized Record export will allow you to manually select which sections of the chart you would share (as long as the record is not marked as "Confidential"). The specific sections available are:
  • Practice's contact information
  • Assigned provider's name
  • Demographics
  • Allergies/Intolerances
  • Problems
  • Cognitive/Functional Statuses
  • Smoking Status
  • Medications
  • Immunizations
  • Lab Results
  • Chief Complaint
  • Encounter Diagnoses
  • Care Plan
  • Instructions
  • Procedures
  • Vitals
  • Insurance

Referral Record export

The Referral Record export shares all relevant information needed when referring a patient to another provider or institution (as long as the information is not marked as "Confidential"). The information included in the export are:
  • Practice's contact information
  • Assigned provider's name
  • Recipient's full name
  • Reason for Referral
  • Allergies, adverse reactions, alerts
  • History of medication use
  • Problem List
  • Encounters
  • Immunizations
  • Vital Signs
  • Social History
  • History of Procedures
  • Implantable Devices
  • Relevant diagnostic tests and/or laboratory data
  • Functional Status
  • Mental Status
  • Assessments
  • Plan of Care
  • Goals
  • Health Concerns

Progress Notes export

The Progress Notes export will export all signed visit notes (that are not marked as "Confidential"). The information included in the export are:
  • Practice's contact information
  • Assigned provider's name
  • Demographics
  • Assessments
  • Plan of Care
  • Review of Systems
  • Chief Complaint
  • Objective
  • Subjective
  • History of medication use
  • Vital Signs
  • Problem List
  • Physical Findings
  • Allergies, adverse reactions, alerts

Care Plan export

The Care Plan export will export all care plan data within signed visit notes (that are not marked as "Confidential"). The information included in the export is:
  • Practice's contact information
  • Assigned provider's name
  • Goals (goals) - the Care Plan section of any visit note that also has the Visit Note Category called Care Plan selected.
  • Health Concerns (problems) - any visit note
  • Interventions (care plan) - any visit note that also has the Visit Note Category called Care Plan selected.
  • Health Status Evaluations/Outcomes (assessments) - the Assessments section of any visit note that also has the Visit Note Category called Care Plan selected.


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