
Patient Chart Guide- Merging duplicate charts

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Patient Chart Guide- Merging duplicate charts



How does chart duplication occur?

Chart duplication can occur for a few reasons:
  • a duplicate chart was accidentally created by a member of your practice
  • a duplicate chart was created due to an integration
  • a duplicate chart was created from a Letter from another Elation EHR provider via the Letters & Referrals feature
User Tip: Integrations and Letters/Referrals take into account the patient's first name, last name, date of birth and gender to find a direct patient match. If a direct match is not found, a duplicate chart will be created.


Why should I merge duplicate charts?

The patient's chart is the source of truth for patient information. Having multiple patient charts means the patient's information is dispersed amongst more than one source of data which may affect your ability to make accurate healthcare recommendations. Duplicate charts should always be merged so that each patient only has one chart in your EHR.


Identifying duplicate charts

Most duplicate charts will have a pink banner at the top of the patient's chart to signify the chart might be a duplicate. Any chart that is created by an integration or Elation feature will automatically have this pink banner.
Duplicate Chart Banner.png
  • Click "Merge Chart" to merge the duplicate version of the chart into the original chart
  • Click "Dismiss" if the chart is not a duplicate chart to dismiss the banner.


Merging duplicate charts

To merge duplicate patient charts, take the following steps:
  1. Go to the duplicate patient chart you would like removed (we will call this the Losing Chart), click on the patient's name to access the patient's demographics and click on the “Merge Chart” button under Notes & Chart Management (OR click the "Merge Chart" button in the pink banner)
Merge Chart Buttons.png
  1. Enter in the name of the original patient chart you want the duplicate chart to merge into (we will call this the Winning Chart), and click “Merge Chart”.
    • Important Note: Everything that has been signed off in the Losing Chart, except for the demographics information, will be merged onto the Winning Chart. Please make sure important demographics details are updated and necessary chart items are signed off in the Winning Chart before you merge the duplicate charts.
Merge Chart Confirmation.png

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

I see a duplicate chart but I do not see the pink banner. What happened?

Any chart that is created by an integration or Elation feature will automatically have a pink banner. If you do not see a pink banner at the top of the duplicate chart, it means:
  1. someone in your practice dismissed the pink banner
  2. the duplicate chart was not created by an integration or Elation feature
Follow the merge instructions to merge the duplicate charts.


I do not see the "Merge Chart" banner. How do I merge charts?

Follow the merge instructions to merge the duplicate charts from the patient demographics window.


I accidentally merged two charts that belong to two different patients. What should I do?

  1. Immediately open the chart that remains
  2. Click the "I need help" -> "Contact Elation Support" button and then check off the "Urgent" box to notify the Support Team of this accident. The Elation Support Team will assist you with un-merging the two charts.
For Providers & Admins Only
To submit an urgent request, you must have Provider Level User account or have administrator (Admin) level privileges. If you do not see the "Urgent" checkbox after clicking "Contact Elation Support", then you are not a Provider or an Admin. To become an Admin, you must ask an existing Admin level user in your practice (most likely a primary provider level account holder) to grant you privileges via this Manage Accounts Settings page.



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