
Patient Chart Guide- Using the Collaborative View to share patient charts

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Patient Chart Guide- Using the Collaborative View to share patient charts



What is the Collaborative View?

The Collaborative View is a powerful tool that allows different Hawaii providers using separate Elation EHRs to care for the same patient by automatically sharing patient data in real time. The Collaborative View provides the patient's entire care network with a comprehensive view of each provider's shared activity. 

With the Collaborative View, you can:

  • Get on-demand access to up-to-date information for a mutual patient from other providers' own Elation EHR accounts
  • Import patient information from other providers' Elation EHR accounts into your own
  • ​Seamlessly collaborate with other providers on Elation EHR to automatically communicate updates
  • Close clinical gaps and drive more informed decision making at the point of care
Important Note: Any provider that you share your chart with can in turn share the same chart with other providers. For example: You grant John Smith, MD access to patient Emma Lee's chart. John Smith, MD grants Jane Doe, MD access to Emma Lee's chart. Now, Jane Doe, MD will also have access to any records you add to your chart for patient Emma Lee.


Why is the Collaborative View valuable?

The Collaborative View allows different Elation EHR practices working in Hawaii to seamlessly share patient data across EHR accounts. This will ensure that each provider in the network has access to the most up to date information for their patient; even if the patient is seeing multiple different doctors within the network. This allows each provider to provide the highest quality care for the patient across settings and between providers.


How do I turn on the Collaborative View feature?

The Collaborative View feature is designed for different Elation EHR practices located in the state of Hawaii only. If you are located in Hawaii and would like this feature turned on, use the "I need help" -> "Contact Elation Support" button or fill out this form to submit a request. Our Support Team will evaluate your request and let you know if this feature will suit your needs.


Sharing settings

To set your default sharing setting for your entire patient panel:

  1. Go to "Settings" >>  "Collaborative View Sharing"
  2. Click the “Automatically share my patient records with other providers caring for that same patient” button and make it green to turn it "On" or gray to turn it "Off"
    • On = all records will automatically be shared with any provider whom you grant chart access. This is ideal for practices who want to share all records with all collaborating providers.
    • Off = you will need to complete an extra step to manually choose to start sharing records when you grant chart access to each collaborating provider. This step will be detailed in the manual instructions below. This is ideal for practices who want to share all records with only select collaborating providers.

Collaborative View Sharing Settings.png


Important Notes:
  • We recommend choosing a default setting immediately after the Collaborative View feature is turned on and refrain from changing this setting frequently as changes to this setting will overwrite prior sharing selections made for individual patients.
  • The Collaborative View settings page is, by default, only accessible by users with administrator (Admin) level privileges. If you are unable to make any changes to this page, then you are not an Admin. To become an Admin, you must ask an existing Admin level user in your practice (most likely a primary provider level account holder) to grant you privileges via the Manage Accounts settings page.​

Automatically sharing records with providers in your network

Important Note: Use the instructions in this section if you have the Collaborative View Sharing setting turned on.

There are 2 ways a Provider on the Care Team (as designated in the patient's demographics) can automatically grant collaborating providers' practice access to a patient's records:
  1. Adding the provider to the Care Team section of your patient's chart
  2. Sending the provider a Letter or Referral and checking the "Grant access to shared records" button under the provider's name in the "To:" field.

Anytime a Provider on the Care Team grants another provider access to a patient's chart, a record will appear in the patient's chart to note this action.

Access granted.png


Sharing with a provider through the Care Team

Important Note: This action can only be taken by Providers on the Care Team. 
  1. Go to the Care Team section of the Clinical Profile and click "+Add Provider"
    • Alternatively you can click "Care Team" >> "Provider Search" at the top of the patient's chart
  2. Search for the provider's name and click on the matching provider in the search results
  3. Click "Add to profile"
  4. After adding the provider to the Care Team, click "Actions" > "Grant access to shared records".
  5. A Letter will automatically be drafted with a message to notify the provider that a new patient has been shared with them. Keep the “Grant access to …” box checked to make sure you grant the access to the chart and make sure records are shared with the provider. 
  6. Click “Sign & Send” to complete the Letter & grant the provider and their practice access to all records in your patient's chart.
    • If you need to send additional information in the Letter, feel free to review our Letters & Referrals Guide for further instructions.


Sharing with a provider through a Letter or Referral

Important Note: This action can only be taken by Providers on the Care Team. 
  1. At the top of the patient's chart, click "Letter > to Provider" or "Referral" to begin your Letter or Referral to the provider
  2. Search for the provider's name and click on the matching provider in the search results
  3. Check of the “Grant access to …” box under the provider's name in the "To:" field.
  4. Complete the rest of the Letter or Referral. Feel free to review our Letters & Referrals Guide for further instructions.
  5. Click “Sign & Send” to complete the Letter or Referral & grant the provider and their practice access to all records in your patient's chart.


Manually sharing records with providers in your network

Important Note: Use the instructions in this section if you have the Collaborative View Sharing setting turned off.

There are 2 ways a Provider on the Care Team (as designate in the patient's demographics) can manually grant collaborating providers' practice access to a patient's records:
  1. Adding the provider to the Care Team section of your patient's chart and then choose to start sharing records
  2. Sending the provider a Letter or Referral, checking the "Grant access to shared records" button under the provider's name in the "To:" field and then choose to start sharing records

Any time a Provider on the Care Team grants another provider access to the patient's chart, a record will appear in the patient's chart to note this action.

Access granted.png


Sharing with a provider through the Care Team

Important Note: This action can only be taken by a Provider on the Care Team. 
  1. Go to the Care Team section of the Clinical Profile and click "+Add Provider"
    • Alternatively you can click "Care Team" >> "Provider Search" at the top of the patient's chart
  2. Search for the provider's name and click on the matching provider in the search results
  3. Click "Add to profile"
  4. After adding the provider to the Care Team, click "Actions" > "Grant access to shared records".
  5. A Letter will automatically be drafted with a message to notify the provider that a new patient has been shared with them.
    1. Check off the “Grant access to …” box to grant the provider access to your records for the patient
    2. Click the "Start sharing" button to share records with them
  6. Click “Sign & Send” to complete the Letter & grant the provider and their practice access to all records in your patient's chart.
    • If you need to send additional information in the Letter, feel free to review our Letters & Referrals Guide for further instructions.


Sharing with a provider through a Letter or Referral

Important Note: This action can only be taken by a Provider on the Care Team. 
  1. At the top of the patient's chart, click "Letter > to Provider" or "Referral" to begin your Letter or Referral to the provider
  2. Search for the provider's name and click on the matching provider in the search results
  3. Check of the “Grant access to …” box under the provider's name in the "To:" field to grant the provider access to your records for the patient
  4. Click the "Start sharing" button to share records with them
  5. Complete the rest of the Letter or Referral. Feel free to review our Letters & Referrals Guide for further instructions.
  6. Click “Sign & Send” to complete the Letter or Referral & grant the provider and their practice access to all records in your patient's chart.


Shared information

The following records (except records marked as 'Confidential') will be shared with the collaborating provider and their practice once access is granted and start sharing is enabled:

  • Clinical Profile
  • Visit Notes
  • Vitals
  • Orders
  • Reports


Receiving accessing

If you have been added to the Care Team by another provider, you will also receive a notification just like they would if you added the provider.

Chart Access Notification.png


Viewing shared information

Any time you open a chart for a shared patient, the Collaborative View:All Sharing Providers option in the Chronological Record search will display information in your personal record along with other clinical data that’s been shared by other providers caring for that same patient on Elation. You can: 

  • filter the results further to display items from a specific provider, or filter for a specific type of document using the Chronological Search filter
    • User Tip: Click the "Collaborative View: All Sharing Providers" button to select specific providers to view
  • click "Show" to view items from sharing providers
  • click "Acknowledge" to dismiss the notification 
  • click "Compare Profiles" or the "Updates" button in the Clinical Profile to view new Clinical Profile information

The background color and source information on each document in the chart help you distinguish what you have incorporated into your patient record and what you have not.
  • Documents with a white background are documents that you have signed into your patient record 
  • Documents with a gray background are ones that have been shared by other providers and have not been signed into your record
    • Click "Actions" >> "Preview" for specific records to view the record first or go straight ahead and click "Actions" >> "Import and Sign" to pull the content into your chart to add to your personal record for this patient
  • For anything coming from a shared chart, the name of the provider who shared it will be displayed off to the right
CHR View.png


User Tip: Structured lab results can be trended for lab reports shared across different providers on the Care Team to give you a more complete picture of a patient's health. Lab values that are surfaced from the Care Team will have a blue profile picture next to the value. You can also click on the value to import it into your own personal chart if preferred. Learn more about lab value trending in this Chronological Record Guide.
CHR Labs.png



Clinical Profile updates

The Collaborative View adds a "Profile Updates" button to each patient's chart. This button allows you to view Clinical Profile updates that other providers on the patient's Care Team have made, and compare them to your own Clinical Profile for that patient.

When comparing the Clinical Profile, new additions to the patient's chart will be highlighted with a blue icon. Individual or multiple items can be imported into your own Clinical Profile to make sure you always have the most up-to-date clinical information on hand.

Additionally, if you have your sharing turned on, any updates you make in your chart will be surfaced to other providers who have access to a patient's shared records to import at their discretion.

  • Important Note: Notes in the 'Confidential' section in the Clinical Profile will not be shared with collaborating providers. Use this section to store information that you do not want to share with anyone outside of your practice.


Profile Comparison.png


Stop record sharing

To stay in the patient's Care Team but stop sharing records with all other providers in the Care Team:

  1. Open the chart for the specific patient
  2. Locate your name in the Care Team
  3. Click "Actions" >> "Stop sharing records"
  4. This will stop other providers on the Care Team from accessing your records.
    • Important Note: If the other provider has already imported any of your records into their EHR, this will not revert that action and those records will remain in their EHR. They will only lose access to new records and old un-imported records.

To leave the patient's Care Team and stop accessing records shared by other providers:
  1. Open the chart for the specific patient
  2. Locate your name in the Care Team
  3. Click "Actions" >> "Leave Care Team"
  4. This will stop you from seeing records from providers who have previously granted you access to the patient's chart
    • Important Note: If you have already imported any of those provider's records into your EHR, this will not revert that action and those records will remain in your EHR. You will only lose access to new records and old un-imported records.

To remove a provider from the Care Team:
  • An Elation Team Member will need to assist you with removing a provider from the Care Team. Contact the Support Team using the "I need help" -> "Contact Elation Support" option & provide us with the following:
    1. The Elation Patient ID number (this can be found at the very top of the Patient Demographics Details)
    2. The full name of the Provider you want to remove from that patient's Care Team


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Will other users be able to alter my personal records?

No — your personal records will never be affected by another provider's actions. In turn, any actions you take to import other provider's records into your own chart will not affect the other provider's records.


After I grant a provider access, who will have access to the patient's information?

After you grant a provider access:

  1. the provider and any other providers or staff members in their practice will have access to the patient's records
  2. any provider that the other provider grant's chart access to will also have access to your records.
    • For example: You grant John Smith, MD access to patient Emma Lee's chart. John Smith, MD grants Jane Doe, MD access to Emma Lee's chart. Now, Jane Doe, MD will also have access to any records you add to your chart for patient Emma Lee.


Will I know when a new provider starts seeing my patient (and my shared patient information)?

Yes — you will receive see a notification in the Outstanding Items section of the patients chart whenever a new provider (and their practice) is granted access to your patient's chart. You will also see a notification in the Outstanding Items section of your patient's chart if a provider leaves the Care Team and no longer has access to the patient's shared records.

Sharing Notifications.png


How do I remove a provider from the Care Team?

Once a provider has been granted access to a patient's chart, you cannot remove them from the Care Team. Providers must remove themselves by clicking "Actions" >> "Leave Care Team". You can choose to stop sharing records with them by clicking "Actions" >> "Stop sharing my records" and this will stop every provider on the Care Team from seeing your records.

If a provider is on the Care Team but they have not been granted access to records, you can click "Actions" >> "Remove from Care Team".


Can I use the Collaborative View feature for my own geographic location or Enterprise group?

The Collaborative View feature is only for customers located in the state of Hawaii. For other geographic locations or Enterprise group, we recommend evaluating the Patient Longitudinal Record (PLR) feature to see if it suits your needs.



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