
Visit Note Documentation Guide- Using visit note automation for appointments

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Visit Note Documentation Guide- Using visit note automation for appointments



What is visit note automation? 

By clicking on a patient's name from their appointment in the Elation calendar for appointments scheduled for "today", Elation will automatically open a visit note for that encounter and pre-populate the following information based on settings that you have configured for the specific appointment type tied to the appointment. 

Impacted Field

What is added to the visit note

1. Visit Note Document Date/Time

Date/time of the appointment that was selected from the Elation calendar.

2. Provider Assigned to Visit Note

Provider assigned to the appointment.

3. Visit Note Format

Based on the preference of the provider assigned to the appointment -- configured in their settings page (Settings > Preferences > Visit Note Format by Encounter Type)

4. Visit Note Category

Category associated with the appointment type. If none, the category will reflect the practice default (Settings>Report & Visit Note Categories> first category listed)

5. Chief Complaint/Exam Reason

Includes both the ‘Reason’ and ‘Description’ from the appointment in the Elation calendar.

6. Visit Note Template(s)

Template associated with the appointment type (if any).

7. Copay & Billing Notes

Copay and Billing Notes from the appointment in the Elation calendar.

Important Note: If you do not want to use the Visit Note automation, you can request for the feature to be turned off. Have an Admin Level User in the practice click the "I need help" -> "Contact Elation Support" button to submit a request and a member of the Support Team will assist you with turning this feature off.


Why is visit note automation useful?

Elation’s visit note automation feature allows your practice to create an encounter experience that is tailored specifically to a particular appointment type in the Elation calendar. Visit note automation will save your practice time on documentation and ensure you are getting credit for the services being rendered (based on billing codes), while allowing you to spend more time focused on patient care. 


Visit note automation best practices

If you want to open a visit note using visit note automation, click on the patient's name in the Elation calendar for the appointment that you would like to open a visit note for. Elation will respect the specific appointment that you select from the calendar, even if there are multiple appointments on the same day.

  • User Tip: To help prevent duplicate visit notes from being created, if you try to open a new visit note draft when there is an existing in-progress note, Elation will ask you if you’d like to create a new note or open the existing note

Visit Note Automation.gif

If you do not want to apply automation to a visit note, open a visit note by clicking on the "Visit Note" button in the patient's chart
Visit Note Button.png

If you want to navigate to the patient chart from the Elation calendar without opening a visit note or triggering automation, click into the shaded area of the appointment and click "Chart"

Appointment Chart Button.png



How to set-up visit note automation

  1. Navigate to your Settings page
  2. Select Calendar & Booking  >> Appointments
  3. Find the appointment type that you’d like to customize and click ‘Edit’
  4. Select the visit note format, visit note category and visit note template that you would like to tie to that appointment type in the drop-downs that appear
Visit Note Automation Settings.png
  1. Click "Save"

When you schedule an appointment with this appointment type going forward, selections made here will be automatically applied to the visit note created from the Elation calendar. 

 Common use cases

Visit note automation has commonly been used by practices for the following appointment types. Reference the Visit Note Categories Guide and Visit Note Templates Guide as needed.



  • Select (or create) the Telehealth visit note category  
  • Select the pre-created  *E Telehealth visit note template to populate Telehealth attestation documentation and the appropriate CPT® and modifier codes into your visit note draft.   

Annual Exams

This can include women's health, well-child/adolescent care, and annual wellness exams
  • Select (or create) the Annual or Wellness Exam visit note category
  • Associate corresponding visit note template(s) to the appointment type. 
    • This visit note template may contain common wellness exam questions to ensure your wellness exams consistently have the set of questions you’d like answered present.
    • You may also choose to include annual exam CPT codes in your visit note template, so that these may be automatically applied through visit note automation to ensure you receive credit/reimbursement for the visit 

Common procedures, including flu shot and injections

  • Select the Procedure or a more procedure-specific visit note category 
  • Associate corresponding visit note template(s) to the appointment type. 
    • This visit note template may contain routine questions that must be asked as part of the procedure 
    • You may also apply procedure CPT codes to the billing section of the visit note template to ensure that your practice receives credit/reimbursement for the service rendered

CPT copyright 2023 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

Next Step

Review your appointment types and add associate your preferred visit note categories and templates to your appointment types.


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