
Elation Integrated Video- Frequently Asked Questions

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Elation Integrated Video- Frequently Asked Questions


Account Set-up

I am unable to find the Virtual Visit Settings to activate my Zoom account.If you do not see the Virtual Visit section in your Settings, it means the Integrated Video functionality has not been turned on for your account. If you wish to turn this feature on for your practice, please have an Admin level user contact Elation using the "I need help" -> "Contact Elation Support" button at the top of their Elation account and a member of the Elation Team will assist you.
Important Note: This feature may come with additional fees.
Can I set up multiple Zoom accounts within my practice?                                                               Yes! Each provider within your account will be able to activate their own integrated video account.

Your staff will not have access to their own integrated video account. However, any user in the practice can log into a video visit as the “host” to assist the provider in their upcoming visit by clicking the ‘Start Video’ button in the Elation calendar.
Can I connect my existing Zoom account to Elation?No. You cannot connect an existing Zoom© account of yours to Elation. You must register for a new Zoom© account with Elation. This account is free of charge as it is part of your Elation subscription.
Is Elation integrated video HIPAA-compliant?Yes! Elation Integrated Video is HIPAA-compliant. 

Using Elation Integrated Video

Can my staff start my video visits on my behalf?                                                Yes! Any Elation user at your practice can start your video visit on your behalf using the 'Start Video' button.

The first user to click the "Start Video" button will be the 'host' of the video visit and will have the ability to control the waiting room and other settings in the Zoom© window. Other users within the practice can subsequently click "Start Video" to join the video visit automatically, bypassing the waiting room. Host privileges can then be easily reassigned as needed by clicking "More" >> "Make Host" next to the user's name in the Participant window.
Can my staff help prep a patient prior to their video visit, while I finish another patient's video visit?No. Currently, each provider who registers for a Zoom© account with Elation will have one 'meeting room' and the 'meeting room' is tied to the provider's Elation Calendar. This means that staff cannot see one patient while the provider separately sees a different patient on the Calendar at the same time, using the same "Start Video" button. Many practices have started using Elation's medical history forms to help with collecting intake information remotely.
Can I use Elation integrated video for group visits?Yes! Your practice will be able to control which and how many patients are admitted into the video visit from the waiting room at a given time. This works great if you are hosting a group visit, or if you have patients who want caregivers to join the video visit with them.

Please note that these patients will be able to hear and see each other if they are admitted into the video visit at the same time. You can remove patients at any time from the video visit by either placing them back in the waiting room (if you plan to interact with them later that day) or removing them from the visit altogether. To do so, click "More" >> "Put in Waiting Room" or "More" >> "Remove" next to that individual's name in the Participants list.
I want to join video visits from my phone. Is this possible?Yes! You can join your video visit on your phone through our iOS phone app, Elation Go. Download the app in the App Store on your device, and use your Elation username and password to login. From here, you can click the "Start Video" button at the bottom of the app to join the video visit.
Do patients have to download the Zoom app?
Computer= Patients who are joining their video visit from a computer do not need to download the Zoom© app. To bypass the app download, these patients can simply click "Join from browser" after clicking on their video visit link.

Mobile Device= Patients using their mobile device (iOS or Android) to join the video visit will need to download the Zoom© mobile app. Patients do not need to create a Zoom© account or username/password. They will simply be prompted to enter their name, so that you can recognize who they are in the waiting room.

If your patients need additional assistance, feel free to send them our quick how-to guide on how join Zoom© video calls.

Practice Troubleshooting Tips

I am unable to see the "Start Video" button for the virtual visits on my Calendar. How do I fix this?If you activated your Zoom integration, removing your Virtual visit instructions from the Virtual Visits Settings will remove your ability to start your video visits with your patients and you will no longer see the "Start Video" button in your virtual appointments. To correct this:
  1. Go to your Virtual Visits Settings
  2. Click the "Copy" button next to your Waiting room link
  3. Click the "+ Add custom virtual visit instructions" button under Virtual Visits Preferences section
    1. If there are multiple Provider Level Users in your practice using the Zoom integration then you will have to select your own name from the dropdown.
  4. Paste your waiting room link in the instructions along with any additional details you want to include in your instructions.
    • Important Note: When pasting your waiting room link into the Virtual visit instructions, do not alter the link in any way. This will prevent your patients from connecting to your meeting.
I accidentally deleted my customized Zoom link from the virtual visit instructions. How do I fix this?If you activated your Zoom integration, removing your customized Zoom link from the Virtual visit instructions will prevent patients from connecting to you via integrated video. To correct this:
  1. Go to your Virtual Visits Settings
  2. Click the "Copy" button next to your Waiting room link
  3. Go to your Virtual visit instructions box
  4. Paste your waiting room link in the instructions
    • Important Note: When pasting your waiting room link into the Virtual visit instructions, do not alter the link in any way. This will prevent your patients from connecting to your meeting.
Patients say my customized Zoom link does not work for them. How do I fix this?If you activated your Zoom integration, do not alter your customized Zoom link in your Virtual visit instructions in any way- this will prevent patients from connecting to you via integrated video. To correct this:
  1. Go to your Virtual Visits Settings
  2. Click the "Copy" button next to your Waiting room link
  3. Go to your Virtual visit instructions box
  4. Delete your old waiting room link from the instructions (do not delete any other parts of the instructions unless you wish to change it)
  5. Paste your waiting room link in the instructions
Why can't I see the waiting room?If you clicked on the "Start Video" button from the Elation calendar and still cannot see the visit waiting room, it may be because another user at your practice joined the same video visit before you.

The first user to click the "Start Video" button will be the 'host' of the video visit and will have the ability to control the waiting room and other settings in the Zoom© window. Other users within the practice can subsequently click "Start Video" to join the video visit automatically, bypassing the waiting room. Host privileges can then be easily reassigned as needed by clicking "More" >> "Make Host" next to the user's name in the Participant window.
Why am I being asked to sign in?

Why was I placed into the waiting room?
You may have clicked on the video link intended for patients, which places them in a waiting room. Please make sure that you click on the "Start Video” button in the Elation calendar, and not the link in the virtual visit instructions which is meant for the patient. The "Start Video" button enables you to automatically login as the host of the visit, rather than as a patient.
I removed the patient from the meeting and now they can not rejoin the visit.Choosing to ‘Remove’ a patient from a meeting will prevent a patient from being able to enter the Waiting Room again until you end your current video session and start a new one. We recommend using "Put in Waiting Room" over "Remove", unless you are sure that the patient does not need to come back into the video visit again. 

If you have accidentally clicked "Remove", you will need to end your current video visit session and start a new one to let the patient connect again.
  • We recommend using the Chat function to send "Everyone in the Waiting Room" a message that the current session will be ended in two minutes and notify everyone to rejoin as needed.
You can then end the session by clicking "End Session" in the bottom right hand corner. Once the session has ended, the patient and anyone in the waiting room will need to re-click the video visit link and you can click "Start Video" button again to join.

Patient Troubleshooting Tips

Patient is unable to connect to audioWhen patients first connect to the meeting, they will be prompted to join audio in one of two ways depending on if they are joining the meeting from a mobile device or computer:
  1. Mobile device
    • Wifi or Cellular Data (recommended)
    • Dial in
    • No audio
  2. Computer
    • Join Audio by Computer (recommended)
    • Dial in
    • No audio
If a patient accidentally selected 'No Audio' they can click on the microphone icon at the bottom of their Zoom account to select audio connection.

User Tip: You can include instructions on how to connect to the virtual visit in your Virtual Visit Instructions as needed to ensure patients can connect to their appointment
  • Ex. "When prompted to join audio, select the 'Wifi or Cellular Data' option if you are on a mobile device or select the 'Join Audio by Computer' option if you are on a computer."

Copyright ©2023 Zoom Video Communications, Inc. 


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