
Practice Home Guide- Checking for requiring action items

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Practice Home Guide- Checking for requiring action items



Requiring Action queues in the Practice Home

The Requiring Action queues in your Practice Home page always keeps track of items that need your attention. Queues with items will have a yellow number label and will display the number of items that require your attention within that queue. You can use the queues to:

  • Be the "To Do" lists for yourself or another office team member
  • Send reminders to yourself or another office team member
  • Manage your team and check for productivity by viewing their queues

User-added image


Quick Actions

Quick Action Buttons.png

Checking for new items

The "Refresh" button will allow you to update your queue to see if there are any new items you need to address without leaving the page.


Launch multiple patient charts

You can launch up to 10 patient charts that are under each Requiring Action queue at once. Once you click the "Launch ... patients" button, you will see a tab created per patient chat in your web browser for you to check on the Requiring Action items for each patient chart. 

  • Note: If new tabs do not open, it's most likely due to a Pop-up Blocker. If you see an icon with a little red "x" to the side of your web browser, click on the icon and select the "Always allow pop-ups from..." option. 


Set your Display Preference

You can set your preference on whether you want to see the items within each category by Newest First or Oldest First. Your preference will be saved as you navigate across the categories, and it will be saved each time you open the Practice Home page on the same web browser.


Queue Options

Queue Options.png


Change your view

Check for requiring action items in other office members' queues, by clicking on the "View Queue For:" dropdown men, finding the member you would like to view queue for and clicking on their name.

You also have the option to view the queue for:

  • Everyone
  • All Physicians
  • All Staff


Check for "urgent" items

Anyone in your practice can mark a report or a message as "urgent" - which will appear in your Urgent queue for immediate attention. Other items that will appear in the Urgent queue are:

  • "Stat" reports from interfaced lab or radiology vendors
  • Failed electronic prescriptions
  • Failed faxed Letters/Referrals


Check for messages

All messages addressed to you or a group that you are in (for example the "Staff (Group)" which has all the staff members in the practice in it) appear in your Office Messages queue here. Once you reply to a message, it will disappear from your queue. Review our Office Message Feature Guide to learn more about this feature.

If you send messages to yourself as reminders, the messages will appear in your queue in the practice home if you add a date to the message - either today's date, or a date in the future. 


There is an additional filter in Office Messages that will allow you to filter by:

  • All messages to Self
  • Messages addressed to you directly
  • Messages addressed to any groups you are part of


Review refill requests from pharmacies

Refill requests for your patients that arrive electronically from pharmacies can be viewed in the Rx Requests queue. Click on each patient's name to review the requests and approve, change the refill quantity of, or deny a prescription.


Review & sign Reports

Reports enter Elation either electronically through the interfaces set up with participating vendors or are faxed into Elation's Fax Inbox where staff can file reports into patient charts for physician review. Both faxes and electronic reports appear in the Reports queue of the physician for review and sign off.

If you are in a practice with multiple physicians, and the lab report that arrived is mistakenly assigned to you, you can re-assign the report directly from the queue.

Check for reminders

If you set any notifications from your messages to patients or Letters/Referrals to third party professionals, the notifications will appear in the Reminders queue. Click on the patient's name to open their chart to follow up on the messages, Letters or Referrals.



Respond to patient and provider messages

Patient Letters and Provider Letters queues keep track of responses written back to you from patients and providers. You can respond to messages directly from the queue or you can open the patient's chart to respond from their chart.

If you want to keep track of patients and providers who have yet to open your letters to them, you can check for these in the Reminders queue.


Finish up unfinished, unsigned items

Keep track of any unfinished visit notes, notes, orders, letters or referrals in the Draft NotesDraft Letters or Draft Orders queues. Click on the patient's name to open their chart and complete the document from Requiring Action.


Next Step

Check your Practice Home for outstanding Requiring Action items!



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