
Promoting Interoperability (MIPS 2023)

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Promoting Interoperability (MIPS 2023)



What is Promoting Interoperability?

In 2023, MIPS-Eligible Professionals (EPs) must attest to their performance on objectives and measures, across 4 categories; Promoting Interoperability, is 1 of the 4 categories. Interoperability, or the use of technology to exchange and make use of information, makes communicating patient information less burdensome and improves outcomes. The MIPS Promoting Interoperability performance category emphasizes the electronic exchange of health information using certified electronic health record technology (CEHRT) to improve:
  • Patient access to their health information;
  • The exchange of information between clinicians and pharmacies; and
  • The systematic collection, analysis, and interpretation of healthcare data.

Promoting Interoperability accounts for 25% of an EP’s MIPS score unless you qualify for a Hardship Exception.
User Tip: Click here to watch a recording of our 2023 Improvement Activities and Promoting Interoperability Webinar.


Reporting Requirements

For Performance Year 2023, you must submit collected data for certain measures from each of the 4 objective measures (unless an exclusion is claimed) for the same 90 continuous days or more during 2023 (the last 90-day performance period begins October 3, 2023). The 6 objectives and measures that Elation supports are:
  1. e-Prescribing 
  2. Health Information Exchange (HIE) - Support Electronic Referral Loops by Sending & Receiving Health Information  
  3. Health Information Exchange (HIE) - Bi-Directional Exchange
  4. Provider to Patient Exchange
  5. Public Health & Clinical Data Exchange- Immunization Registry Reporting and Electronic Case Reporting
  6. Query of Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP)
In addition to submitting measures, you must enter Elation's CMS Identification code ( during reporting and submit a “yes” to:  


The scoring for the Promoting Interoperability objectives and measures are as follows. 
You must report all required measures (submit a “yes”/report at least 1 patient in the numerator, as applicable, or claim an exclusion) or you will earn a zero for the Promoting Interoperability performance category. 

For the Public Health and Clinical Data Exchange objective, you will be awarded full points if a “yes” is submitted for the 2 required measures (Immunization Registry and Electronic Case Reporting) or one “yes” and one exclusion.

The Electronic Case Reporting registry integration with the CDC is being built in 2023. When certification is complete we will notify users of the ability to use the integration. 

Reporting on this objective will require an exclusion for the Electronic Case Reporting measure to be claimed, unless your practice has set up a request with your local Public Health Agency to submit data. 

If exclusions are claimed, the points for those measures will be reallocated to other measures.

Bonus Points

Certain optional measures will allow you to receive bonus points:
  • You can earn 5 bonus points for submitting a yes response for one of the optional Public Health and Clinical Data Exchange measures (Public Health Registry Reporting, Clinical Data Registry Reporting, or Syndromic Surveillance Reporting).

Hardship Exceptions

Hardship Exceptions allow for the Promoting Interoperability performance category to receive a weight of 0% when calculating your final score and the 25% will be redistributed to another performance category (or categories) unless you choose to submit data for Promoting Interoperability.
Some clinicians will be automatically reweighted based on:
  • Their special status (for example, hospital-based clinicians),
  • Their clinician type (for example, a physical therapist, occupational therapist, or clinical psychologist, or clinical social worker), or;
  • If they are a part of a small practice (less than 15 providers).
These clinicians will not need to submit a Promoting Interoperability hardship exception application.
If you’re reporting as a group or virtual group all MIPS eligible clinicians in the group or virtual group must qualify for reweighting for the group to be reweighted, unless the group or virtual group has a special status that qualifies them for automatic reweighting.
You may submit a MIPS Promoting Interoperability Performance Category Hardship Exception Application, citing one of the following reasons for review and approval:
  • MIPS eligible clinician using decertified EHR technology
  • Insufficient Internet connectivity
  • Extreme and uncontrollable circumstances
  • Lack of control over the availability of CEHRT
If your hardship exception is approved, the Promoting Interoperability performance category will be reweighted.


Achieving Objectives in Elation

Follow the instructions below for the measures that Elation supports:
  1. e-Prescribing
  2. Health Information Exchange (HIE) - Support Electronic Referral Loops by Sending & Receiving Health Information
  3. Health Information Exchange (HIE) - Bi-Directional Exchange
  4. Provider to Patient Exchange
  5. Public Health & Clinical Data Exchange- Immunization Registry Reporting and Electronic Case Reporting
  6. Query of Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP)

Additional Resources


*This article is provided for instructional purposes only. Elation Health does not support or guarantee anything other than relay useful information from various organizations. Elation Health also does not provide support for third-party technologies. We recommend consulting CMS guidelines for the most up to date information.

Copyright U.S Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. All rights reserved.


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