
Patient Chart Guide- Chart navigation bar

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Patient Chart Guide- Chart navigation bar



What is the chart navigation bar?

The chart navigation bar is the gray tool bar located at the top of every patient's chart. The chart navigation bar gives you access to the following clinical features or forms:
Chart Navigation Bar.png


Why is the chart navigation bar useful?

The chart navigation bar allows you to quickly access all the clinical features and forms you need to care for your patient. You can use the navigation bar to complete a majority of the key clinical, patient workflows without leaving the patient's chart and without jumping into different areas of the patient's chart.


How to utilize the chart navigation bar

Each icon in the gray navigation bar is a button that opens a primary feature or form for you to complete a specific clinical workflow or access clinical information regarding your patient. You can click any icon to access the corresponding feature or form as designated by the icon name. Clicking the "More" icon will give you access to additional secondary features.

Next Steps

Click into the different options in the navigation bar and familiarize yourself with the different features and forms.

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