Administrative ('Admin') level privileges allow you to prevent certain members of your practice (with access to Elation EHR) from taking certain actions in your practice's Elation account. Administrative ('Admin') users are allowed to take more actions in Elation compare to non-Administrative ('Admin') users such as:
- manage Elation user accounts for providers and staff
- enable certain features such as:
- configure different settings such as:
Administrative ('Admin') level privileges allow you to specify who can enable advanced features and who can configure important settings that impact your practice's workflows. Administrative ('Admin') level privileges are generally assigned to the owner(s) or manager(s) of the practice because they are most knowledgable about how they want to run the practice as well as what configurations are important in the Elation settings to maximize efficiency.
Only users within the practice with administrative ('Admin') level privileges can assign administrative ('Admin') level privileges to other users in the practice. To assign administrative ('Admin') level privileges:
- Click on your email at the top of your Elation account and click "Settings"
- Click "Manage Accounts"
- Click on the "Make Admin" button next to the user's name to assign them administrative ('Admin') level privileges
Only users within the practice with administrative ('Admin') level privileges can revoke administrative ('Admin') level privileges for other users in the practice. To revoke administrative ('Admin') level privileges:
- Click on your email at the top of your Elation account and click "Settings"
- Click "Manage Accounts"
- Click on the "Remove Admin" button next to the user's name to remove administrative ('Admin') level privileges
There are two types of 'Admin' only settings in Elation. There are:
- Settings that are always 'Admin' only
- Settings that you can assign to be 'Admin' only
Settings that are always 'Admin' only are under the
Admin User Only section of the
Elation Settings page. Only 'Admin' users can view and edit the settings under this section. These are the settings that are always 'Admin' only:
Settings that you can assign to be 'Admin' only will have an "Admin only" toggle at the top of the page. Anyone can turn the toggle on but only 'Admin' users can turn the toggle off after it is turned on
![Admin Toggle.png](/servlet/rtaImage?eid=ka06O000000kXiF&feoid=00N1G000007Bcn3&refid=0EM1G000002Z2pm)
All users can view these settings but only 'Admin' users can edit the settings. These are the settings that can be set to 'Admin' only:
Important Note: Certain features allow you create data outside of the settings page (prescription templates, PE/ROS templates, letters and order sets). 'Admin' and 'non-Admin' users will be able to create templates and order sets from the patients chart but only 'Admin' users can edit or remove prescription templates, PE/ROS templates, letters and order sets from the settings pages if you make theses settings pages 'Admin only'.
Can I make all settings in Elation 'Admin' only?
Only certain settings in Elation can be 'Admin' only. Elation will notify you if we introduce more 'Admin' only settings to Elation.
I made the lab order feature 'Admin' only in Elation but my non-Admin staff was still able to create a new lab order set. Why?
Lab Order Sets can be created in the Lab Order Form in the patient's chart. For this reason, 'Admin' and 'non-Admin' users will be able to create lab order sets from the patients chart but only 'Admin' users can edit or remove lab order sets from the settings page.
I made the prescriptions (rx) order set feature 'Admin' only in Elation but my non-Admin staff was still able to create a new prescription (rx) order set. Why?
Prescription Order Sets can be created in the Prescription (Rx) Form in the patient's chart. For this reason, 'Admin' and 'non-Admin' users will be able to create prescription order sets from the patients chart but only 'Admin' users can edit or remove prescription order sets from the settings page.
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